When I first obtained this levitating globe a few months ago, I had never anticipated that the bups would be drawn to it more than me. Snacky in particular is absolutely obsessed with watching it as it spins round and round. It's understandable; it lights up and changes colors, likely catching her attention.
Every time she watches it, you can almost see the gears turning in her head. Likewise, when I watch it, I find the gears turning in my head. It's also aesthetically pleasing to watch, but more than that, it has both a calming effect and a wondrous element to it. For something simple and straight-forward, it often inspires and strokes my imagination.
On more than one occasion, I have found myself staring endlessly at it as it spins, getting lost in my own mind, so I definitely understand the bups fascination with it. I should have known they would like it; after all, they enjoy the LED strips I installed in our home.
As I talked about in the first entry on here, if you haven't read it yet, by all means do so now. I ordered some materials in order to build the bups their own dedicated place to congregate. After some confusion initially about scale sizes and a few mess-ups on my part, I finally have the correct parts coming, but they are delayed due to USPS issues at the moment.
However, this will not deter fresh content being posted every week; in fact, the next entry is pretty exciting! It was actually a good thing that the materials were delayed, as it gave me more time to expand on the concept I originally drafted up, allowing me to build much simpler. More on this project later, as the supplies come in. Thank you for catching up with us; we now return you to your regular programming.