A Bup Story follows the adventures of 14 stuffed animals that live as a family unit with varied personalities and share with the world at large their untarnished innocence. Visitors will get to see day-to-day life in the world from a brand new perspective, from the point of view of an inanimate object. Whether at home or in public, new experiences wait to be discovered and journeys fulfilled.
Meet The Author
My name is James, and for all intents and purposes, I am the designated human to which these stuffed animals belong and will be sharing their adventures with the world. I suppose you could describe me as eccentric; after all, I favor stuffed animals over humans and don't live my life within the confines of a box like the rest of society. This year I will be turning 40 years old, and I have been interacting with stuffed animals since 2001. I find that they help me immensely during anxiety attacks and somewhat ground me.
When I'm not cavorting with inanimate objects, I can usually be found obsessing over numbers or furthering my knowledge of the universe through one of my many scientific experiments. I also enjoy cooking and photography, and I have a very extensive collection of public safety photos and videos captured at crime scenes over the years.